At RingMD, we innovate how healthcare is delivered across the globe!
Our mission is to make healthcare accessible and affordable for all
Our global team is helping people live healthier, better lives through an ecosystem of healthcare solutions: an AI-powered chatbot revolutionizing patient triage, an app providing 24/7/365 access to doctors in 30+ countries, remote-diagnostic wearable technology, and an optometrist’s clinic-in-a-backpack — bringing relief to remote corners of the globe. From enabling citizens in rural India to receive medical attention for the very first time and connecting people to wellness professionals via our new platform, RingWell, our team is rolling out solutions from Singapore to the USA.
To make an impact, collaboration is key
We work closely with governments, industry leaders and medical professionals to create bespoke, scalable solutions, improving the wellness and health of users, and drive forward efficiency in the healthcare system in the developed and developing world.
- In urban areas, we’re looking at ways to help people when a stressful lifestyle means it’s difficult to get to the clinic, when doctors’ schedules are oversubscribed, a clinical setting or busy surgery waiting rooms cause discomfort, or a second opinion is simply required from a specialist.
- For rural populations, who face geographical challenges, a lack of infrastructure and connectivity are the biggest hurdles we aim to address. Poverty, a lack of educational opportunities and cultural barriers also prohibit care accessibility.
Our ecosystem of solutions RingMD Platform: virtual consultation platform connecting people (via audio and video) in need of health advice with doctors, therapists and wellness experts around the world and around the clock via the web and mobile app.
Cardea, a health chatbot: capable of delivering instant, potentially life-saving information. Available on Skype, Cardea’s intelligent algorithms enable smart patient triage, directing patients to a suitable doctor or locating symptom information relevant to their needs.
Vital band: wearable technology that tracks your heart rate, steps and temperature, and can be used to enhance diagnostics, follow-up care and real-time patient monitoring.
Mobile clinics: our teams on the ground connect people from remote provinces with the country’s best doctors through our fleet of internet-enabled vehicles.
Mobile Optometry Units: Eyecare is an optometrist's office that fits into a backpack for mobile eye tests in remote, rural areas. Prescriptions can be recorded, and life-enhancing eyewear distributed to patients on the spot.
Meet the team
We're headquartered in a historic building in the heart of Singapore and have a growing presence in other countries. If you're interested in joining the team, view our open positions here!
Photo: our Singapore team takes a break on the balcony of our office.
Photos: one of our team members conducting a training session in India; the team showing off our mobile solution, Eyecare, at the 2017 HIMSS conference.
Leading innovation, together
We are democratizing healthcare by equipping people across the globe, independently of socio-economic standing or location, with the opportunity to connect with a doctor online. Reach out to our team at if you’d like to work with us or find out more about what we’re doing!
We've recently started focusing a lot on increasing access to mental health care as well. If you're thinking "I need a therapist near me" but don't know where to start, try the RingMD therapist directory. We will help you find the right therapist for YOU!